Portfolio Company Announcement
Axieo is proud to announce our ANZ partnership with Nascent Health Sciences – the World’s Number 1 manufacturer of Stevia. Stevia, a natural, plant derived intense sweetener, is used to reduce or replace sugar in food and beverage applications.Nascent’s SoPure stevia range includes high purity extracts of the seven most abundant glycosides, including Reb A, C, D and M. Nascent are also uniquely positioned to offer Organic Certified Stevia to our market.
Sugar reduction is a global trend, attracting an increasing focus from health organisations, Government bodies and consumers. Axieo is excited to offer our clients solutions around calorie and cost reduction.
Our team are ready to offer formulation guidance and support across a range of applications including beverages, bakery, confectionery and desserts.
Find out more: www.axieo.com